Dr Scott Cohen is Head of the Department of
Tourism and Events in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the
University of Surrey. He formerly led the School’s research group on
Sustainability and Wellbeing in the Visitor Economy. Scott primarily researches
sociological and consumer behaviour issues in tourism, transport and leisure
contexts, with particular interests in sustainable mobility, hypermobility and
in lifestyle travel. His research has been published in high impact journals
across tourism, transport and geography, and featured in media outlets such as
CNN, Newsweek and The Economist. Scott
has been awarded as "Researcher of the Year" by his Faculty at the
University of Surrey (2015), as an "Emerging Scholar of Distinction"
by the International Academy for the Study of Tourism (2013) and was
co-recipient of the Journal of Travel Research's "Charles R. Goeldner
Article of Excellence Award" (2015).