Author : | Ronda J Green |
School/Work Place : | Wildlife Tourism Australia Inc |
Contact : | |
Year : | 2015 |
Governments throughout Australia and elsewhere recognise that tourism is an important sector of the economy, and are encouraging its growth in a variety of ways, some more environmentally sound than others. This papers presents not the results of basic research but of discussions by tour operators, staff of wildlife parks and national parks staff, academics, NGO members and others, spread across four separate workshops conducted by Wildlife Tourism Australia Inc. (WTA) between 2012 and 2014. Many topics were discussed at these workshops, but those presented here are relevant to protecting biodiversity as tourism expands in terms of numbers of visitors and the introduction of new activities, especially in protected areas. The topics are divided into: (1) expanding the potential of sustainable wildlife tourism; (2) potential threats to wildlife and their habitats; (3) management of tourism in protected areas, and contributions of tourism to conservation; (4) encouraging wildlife tourism outside of protected areas; and (5) research needed for sustainable wildlife tourism and biodiversity conservation, and how tourism operations can assist. The report is not intended as a final set of guidelines endorsed by WTA but rather a report on the results of open discussions: however they are being used to formulate such guidelines and direct current and future actions by WTA members.