Author : | Bhavish Jugurnath & Roucheet Bissessur & Youvish Ramjattan & Devendra Bissessur |
School/Work Place : | University of Mauritius |
Contact : | |
Year : | 2017 |
This paper examines residents' perception on sustainable tourism in Mauritius. 500 surveys were elaborated and circulated to the respondents. This research examines the connections between the demographic variables gender, age, instruction level and salary and the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impressions of sustainable tourism. Reliability test, and Chi-square tests are carried out by utilizing SPSS 23 to assess the relationship between the factors Gender, Age, Education, Income and Economic, Socio-social and Environmental perceptions of sustainable tourism. Empirical evidence demonstrates that age has a positive association with economic, socio-cultural and environmental perceptions of sustainable tourism, which goes in line with the investigation of Zhao (2014) and contrary to Sharma and Dyer (2009). Gender has a positive and significant association with the socio-cultural perception of sustainable tourism and income shows a positive association with the environmental perception of sustainable tourism, which is in line with Zhao (2014) and Dibra and Oelfke (2013) and contradictory with the study of Sharma and Dyer (2009).
Jugurnath, Bissessur, Ramjattan, & Bissessur, Residents’ perceptions of sustainable tourism in Mauritius.pdf