TT 5




The actualization of sustainable travel and tourism is possible only if and when managers of tourist destinations and hospitality enterprises both value and know how to implement sustainable development principles and practices. The sustainability of our industry requires future hospitality and tourism managers who understand and value the principles of sustainable development.

This conference invites you to join the Business Enterprises for Sustainable Travel (BEST) Education Network in its important work of developing resources for educating future managers on the principles of sustainable development. By participating in the conference you will help outline teaching materials that

  • will aid instructors in imparting a value for the principles of sustainability to their students and
  • will provide the resources to instructors to develop the skills and knowledge needed to apply the principles.

You will be working with educators, researchers, consultants and practitioners of sustainable tourism to outline model curricula for the following subject areas:

Risk and Crisis Management for Sustainable Tourism

The modules will be designed for instructors of undergraduate courses related to the two subject areas as a supplement to current teaching materials. The objective is to define topics and outcomes related to sustainable that have not traditionally been addressed in these courses.

Each module will include text, discussion questions, a power point presentation, case studies, and reading materials. The completed module will contain sufficient material for at least eight hours of classroom instruction. Each module will be divided into several stand-alone sections so that instructors can select the segments that fit best into his/her course.

In the working break-out sessions as a participant you will be working to:

  • Define objectives and learning outcomes
  • Outline the contents of the module
  • Recommend readings and other sources of information on the topic.

The Think Tank gives you the opportunity to have a significant impact on the sustainability of our industry. Your work in the module development sessions will influence the future management of travel and tourism.