TT 12




The BEST EN Think Tank XII entitled “Mobilities and Sustainable Tourism” is held in Gréoux les Bains, France, from June 24–27, 2012 in conjunction with SKEMA Business School and La Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable.
The BEST Education Network is an international consortium of educators committed to furthering the development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism. It is open to all students, academics and professionals who are interested in furthering education for sustainable tourism.

At a BEST EN Think Tank, research is presented, sustainable tourism topics are addressed, and research and educational materials for use in undergraduate education are developed. A BEST EN Think Tank is about more than presenting papers; it is an opportunity to work with others to create new knowledge. Innovative approaches in sustainable tourism education will be explored through keynote speeches and paper presentations. Participants will work with others to develop a research agenda and educational materials for use in undergraduate and graduate education. Those willing to be creative, to explore new ideas, who are comfortable with unconventional approaches and seek a broader perspective of the field are welcome to participate.

The focus of Think Tank XII is “Mobilities and Sustainable Tourism”. In a changing world, the movement of people and goods are becoming an issue of concern. There is no tourism without travel, and this movement of people has profound impacts on our environment, economy and on social structures. The theme of this year’s think tank puts focus on mobility in the context of sustainable tourism, not only addressing transportation issues but also aspects of social and economic mobility.