- What a Think Tank is
- Past Think Tanks
- Think Tank XIX
- Think Tank XVIII
- Think Tank XVII
- Think Tank XVI
- Think Tank XV
- Think Tank XIV
- Think Tank XIII
- Think Tank XII
- Think Tank XI
- Think Tank X
- Think Tank IX
- Think Tank VIII
- Think Tank VII
- Think Tank VI
- Think Tank V
- Think Tank IV
- Think Tank III
- Think Tank II
- Think Tank I
Keynote Speakers
Martin Lohmann is a professor for consumer behavior and tourism with Leuphana
University of Lueneburg (Germany), and managing director of the NIT, Institute
for Tourism and Recreational Research in Northern Europe, Kiel, Germany ( He teaches
in the MSc Tourism Management program at Modul University, Vienna (Austria),
and MCI, Innsbruck (Austria), and in the CAS TOUR at Bern University
(Switzerland). The main area of Martin Lohmann’s work is in consumer behavior
in tourism. One of his most prominent applied research projects is an annual
survey on the travel behavior and travel related attitudes and preferences of
German tourists (“Travel analysis”; measuring the German tourism demand
since 1970. His specific focus is on psychological effects of holiday travel. Dr Rachel Dodds is passionate about change
and making tourism more sustainable. She is a professor at Ryerson University’s
Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management as well as the current
Director of the school’s Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Research. Rachel
is also the Owner/Director of Sustaining Tourism, a boutique consultancy.
Through these roles, her aim is to influence the way all stakeholders think
about the impacts of tourism in order to plan and manage more sustainably. She
has published widely on sustainable tourism, CSR, destination development,
green festivals, consumer behaviour and islands. Rachel has lived and worked on
four continents and travelled to over 80 countries.