- What a Think Tank is
- Past Think Tanks
- Think Tank XIX
- Think Tank XVIII
- Think Tank XVII
- Think Tank XVI
- Think Tank XV
- Think Tank XIV
- Think Tank XIII
- Think Tank XII
- Think Tank XI
- Think Tank X
- Think Tank IX
- Think Tank VIII
- Think Tank VII
- Think Tank VI
- Think Tank V
- Think Tank IV
- Think Tank III
- Think Tank II
- Think Tank I

About the Host
The University of Mauritius (UOM) was created in 1965 to help the general advancement of Mauritius. By focusing on research, teaching, and community services, the university aims to meet the educational, scientific, and research needs of the public and private sectors as well as the Mauritian citizens. Over the years, it has evolved from an in-service training institution to a fully-fledged university. The main campus of the university is situated in Reduit, occupying around 25 acres of land and accommodates a total floor area of 51, 831m2 of built facilities. The university comprises of six faculties (Faculty of Law and Management, Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Ocean Studies), offering around 136 undergraduate and 92 post-graduate programs. The student population as at 2014 stood at 12, 432, with around 887 students registered on its various postgraduate (taught and research) programs.
The International Center for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality of the University of Mauritius was set-up in 2015 to facilitate transfer of knowledge between the university and public and private sector stakeholders. The ICSTH acts as a think tank, advising government and industry partners on tourism and hospitality policies that promote the sustainable development of tourism. ICSTH has well-established links with universities around the world and has a pool of leading scholars in the field of tourism and hospitality. Members of the ICSTH have published widely in such leading journals as Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, amongst others.